Veteran Owned and Operated
Better Healing Technology with
SoftWave uses therapeutic energy waves to activate the body’s natural healing. Treatment is safe, doesn’t require surgery, drugs, or needles, and helps reduce pain, speed up recovery, and regenerate tissue.
How does it work?
Upon delivery, SoftWave triggers a cellular response that activates the body’s natural healing process. Patients experience the transformative benefits, including:
Increase in blood flow
Promotion of angiogenesis
Modulation of inflammation
Activation of resident stem cells
Restoration of tissue elasticity
Endogenous growth factor activation
Short and Easy
SoftWave’s patented parabolic reflector applicator design generates a primary and secondary wave that spreads energy to a large area of both superficial and deep tissue. The flexible elastic membrane adapts optimally to the treatment area and solicits a biological response without causing microtrauma.